Sunday, November 18, 2007

What fun

I decided a few months ago, when I figured out that I was going to be a full time student, that I needed to go ahead and get a "smart phone." The issue is finding one that is practical for my job and for school as well as personal use. After reading several reviews I narrowed it down to 4. The iphone, a blackberry, a blackjack, or the new and upcoming Motorola Q phone were my narrowed down options. I quickly omitted the iphone, don't get me wrong, great phone for a lot of people. It doesn't make sense for me to get one though. Primary reason is that I would ruin it in a week, two at best. Touch-screen phones aren't great for those of us who work with paint, drywall, and various textures. I would kill the touchscreen without knowing it and that would be wasting $500 in a hurry. Add to that I have a 30GB ipod and it handles music, pictures, video, contacts and the like as I tell it to.

I finally came to the decision of the Moto Q. So far I like it, a shiny new toy that talks to my PC. I have to admit that it integrates nicely with Office 2007 (word, excel, powerpoint viewing, and one note) and with Windows Vista. You can make or view new documents, email attachments and email them out right there. Yeah, i got the unlimited data usage plan. It also has a port for the micro SD flash disks, and my 1GB disk that I bought for my razor is not going to waste. Another feature that sold me on it is the keyboard. According to several reviewers and personal inspection they did it right. I haven't fat fingered the keys once during my "ops check" that I have been doing since earlier this afternoon while working on my project. We will just have to see what I think in a few days after I have had more opportunity to actually use it on the go.

I'm gleeful in my geekness.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Technical Difficulties

Well well, two bolg sessions in less than a month. I know you must be asking WTH?

Truth being told I am working on a project for one of my classes and needed a break. This was one of the first things I thought of doing to kill a wee bit of time, how sad for me.

Now onto the subject at hand. My Desktop CRASHED! After 5 or so years of being worked like a mule, it finally said "System failed CPU test" about 6 times then died. The amusing part of this is when it happened I was watching The Lake House on my PC and had to wait until last night to finish it. As if you can't see the ending coming a mile away. Good movie....bad CPU, no cookie. I of course being the tech geek that I am ripped apart my cpu and found scorch marks on the board and little bubbles on the processor itself. Fun times. Long story short I ordered a barebones kit from tigerdirect and it got here last night. Then comes the operation which was rather successfull. Upon closer inspection of the documentation for the motherboard that comes with the bundle it of course states that the board was designed for Windows Vista and the manufacturer will not gaurentee that the entire board is compatible with 98/2K/XP. So now I have that installed and I'm thinking great. I can finally get back to work. The bloody windows firewall is cutting off my internet access while active. I am trying like hell to get it configured properly and failing miserably. So to check my email, find research, and goof off like this I have to do it without a firewall. Windows Vista has got to be the most back ass wards OS for the computer literate I have ever seen. I can get everything I need to changed, but it won't let me get anything out through the bloody firewall. What the hell I ask you, what the hell?

Well I'm headed to the Microsoft site to hopefully find the answers and leave dear Mr. Gates a love letter that some tech in the department of "WTF emails" will more than likely discard like so many others. Use XP as long as you can people. Or do what I'm planning on; MAC.

Thanks a lot Obi-bill Kaboozie.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Oh Lord, look at the date. It's been a bit of time (if you define bits in quarters) since my last post. I'm just sitting here wondering why I can't seem to get to sleep and was checking out crazyville for a good giggle-snort. It did not let me down.

Well now, let's field some questions in my head.

Where have I been all year? In Texas working, working, school work, and the occasional fit of sleep. It's been a long and bit of a turbulent year here at the cafe. I've been working on two refurbishments at work since last spring with a third that was a quickie (week and a half) in there just to see if I would actually go insane from it.

Did you go insane? The short answer is yes, although to those who know me there won't be much of a difference.

Have there been any life-altering events these past months? Well there was the feeling like Belton's most wanted for all of ten minutes which I still chuckle about. Then the getting dressed up like a prostitute (yes there was a short skirt and boobs involved in the outfit) for charity. That has, of course, yielded a seemingly endless supply of jokes for my co-workers and friends; because as you know, entertainment is important but mockery is the stuff life is made of. All in good fun of course.

That was just disturbing, but seriously; Life-altering events? Well possibly two. The first is that I am switching from being a part-time student to a full time student in January. I seem to have this equal feeling of calm and mind numbing fear about it. The other is a woman "TA-DA." We've been dating for three months now. My friends like her, my family likes her, but I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Don't get me wrong, I like the girl; but past that I'm not sure of much about the relationship. In my opinion I have exactly ZERO business dating anyone right now. I work 50-60 hours a week, and am taking 9 hours of college this semester. Not what I would call a lot of time for quality time with her. She is great at telling me that she is understanding about all of it but constantly tries to get me to come over and spend time with her when I should be doing schoolwork, which is starting to grate on my nerves. So far however we are doing ok. I think that both of us are working on our shortcomings as far as the other is concerned. I have even committed to doing Thanksgiving with her and her family this year, I hope there will be ham.

So are you going to marry her? OK voice in my head, cut that crazy talk you flippant goober. I'm not sure I want to be married to anyone. The red one tells me I need to learn to be flexible and compromise if I am going to get serious and married one day. Time will tell.

So what will your college major be? Good question, general studies for now at the community college. Once I transfer, I will be pursuing a BSIT or BSCIS with a teaching certificate. Then teach public school while working on my masters and teach college after that. P.H.D. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Here ends the interview of me, by me. More to follow some day.
